The Smoke, Carbon Monoxide and Noise parameters were to be implemented on all imported and new models of locally manufactured petrol vehicles w.e.f. 1st July 2009, while the existing models of petrol driven vehicles locally manufactured were directed to immediately switch over to Euro-II emission standards but not later than 30th June 2012
According to Ministry of Environment's S.R.O.72(KE)/ 2009, 30th June 2012 is the deadline fixed for all types of vehicles in Pakistan for switching over to Euro-II emission standards.
The S.R.O. 72(KE)/2009 dated 16th May 2009, Karachi was published in the Gazette of Pakistan on Tuesday, August 18, 2009.
It was issued in exercise of the powers conferred under clause (c) of sub-section (I) of section 6 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 (XXXIV of 1997), under which the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency, in anticipation of approval by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Council had directed some amendments in its Notification No. S.R.O.742 (I)/93, dated 24th August 1993.
These amendments were issued under the title of National Environmental Quality Standards for Motor Vehicle Exhaust and Noise.
These standards were issued with immediate effect for In-use Petrol Vehicles like Passenger Cars, Light Commercial Vehicles, Motor Rickshaws and Motorcycles etc. including Heavy Duty Diesel Engines and Large Goods Vehicles.
These Smoke, Carbon Monoxide and Noise parameters were to be implemented on all imported and new models of locally manufactured petrol vehicles w.e.f. 1st July 2009, while the existing models of petrol driven vehicles locally manufactured were directed to immediately switch over to Euro-II emission standards but not later than 30th June 2012.
What is EURO II Emission Control Unit (ECU) & how it works?
With the advancement and development of universal modern industry, the problem of environmental pollution is getting worse. Besides emission of industry, emission pollution of vehicles and motorcycles is increasingly noticed. The corresponding emission rules of law are also increasingly strict. From 2009, the minimum emission value of two-wheel motorcycle is regulated in Pakistan by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, of Pakistan).
Exhaust pipe emission includes CO (Carbon Mono oxide), HC (Hydro Carbons), NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) and CO2 (Carbon Dioxide). Emission from vehicles are controlled through as per standards of Pakistan Environment Protection Agency (PAK-EPA) under clause (e) of session 6(1) of the Pakistan Environment Protection Act, 1997, and with the approval of the Pakistan Environment Protection Council, established national environmental quality (NEQS) as follows:
Structure and working principle of EURO-II (emission control unit, ECU):
Emission control unit mainly includes air pump, air cleaner, connecting pipe and accelerant-catalyzing device. The air pump, in accordance with the principle of engine ripple control, controls the air flow volume. Fresh air could be inhaled into the exhausted pipe and mixed with the un-burnt CO, HC which exhausted from combustion room. This device could help to reduce the exhaust emission of motorcycle and to reach the Euro-2 emission standard.
With reference to Motorcycle Industry in Pakistan so far seven (7) different models were already converted on Euro-II standards that were:-
1. Ravi Premium R1-70cc
2. Ravi Hamsafar-70
3. Ravi Piaggio Storm 125cc
4. Honda CG-125 Deluxe
5. Honda CD-100
6. Suzuki Sprinter ECO
7. Yamaha YD-100 Junoon
-Staff Correspondent
-Published on page#-10 in May-2012 issue of MOBILE WORLD Magazine